Weekly Update - Nov 25th

Written on 11/25/2024


Our schedule for the next couple of weeks will be different from our normal schedule. This week we will be closed for Thanksgiving and next week we will be building a new indoor offroad track layout and preparing for the 2024 JConcepts Winter Indoor Shootout & Invitational. Please check the schedule carefully so you aren’t disappointed by a track being unavailable.


This Tuesday we have Round 6 of our Tuesday Thunder on the Rug oval series. Wednesday night and Saturday afternoon it’s Offroad Club racing. Then on Sunday we have onroad club racing.


After Saturday offroad racing we will begin building a new layout for the JConcepts race and there will be no practice on Sunday or next week until the track opens for the event on Friday. After Sunday onroad racing, the carpet track will be closed until Thursday, December 12th as we will be using that room for additional pit spaces for the JConcepts race.



Monday - 4-10 pm - practice on all tracks (carpet oval).

Tuesday - 4-10 pm - Thunder on the Rug RD 6 on the carpet oval; practice on other tracks

Wednesday - 4-10 pm - Indoor Offroad Club Race @ 7, practice on other tracks (carpet oval)

Thursday - 4-10 pm - CLOSED for Thanksgiving

Friday - 4-10 pm - practice on all tracks (carpet onroad)

Saturday - 11 am - 8 pm - Indoor Offroad Club Racing @ 2.  Practice on other tracks (carpet onroad).

Sunday - 10:30 am -6 pm - Carpet Onroad Series RD 2; racing @ 1. No practice on indoor offroad track (rebuild).