SCHEDULE UPDATE for the week of February 17th….
Tuesday it is round 4 of our Thunder on the Rug oval series. Wednesday we have offroad club racing. Then Saturday it is Round 5 of our Saturday Offroad Series and Sunday we have Round 5 of our Sunday Onroad Series.
We don’t normally have to say this during the winter months but let’s hope Mother Nature cooperates and we’re able to have decent turnouts.
This week’s schedule:
Monday - 4-10 pm - Indoor offroad practice, carpet oval practice
Tuesday - 4-10 pm - Indoor offroad practice, carpet oval points series @7
Wednesday - 4-10 pm - Indoor Offroad racing @ 7; carpet oval practice
Thursday - 4 -10 pm - Indoor offroad practice & carpet onroad practice
Friday - 4 - 10 pm - Indoor offroad & carpet onroad practice
Saturday - 11 am - 8 pm - Offroad Points Series racing @ 2; carpet onroad practice
Sunday - 10:30 am - 6:00 pm - Onroad Points Series racing @1; offroad practice.