Weekly Update- Feb 24

Written on 02/24/2025

SCHEDULE UPDATE for the week of February 24th….
We have another full week of racing on tap which wraps up with our first ever Euro Truck Enduro. If you plan to race in that event please go to the event page and indicate your interest. We can only accommodate a maximum of 10 teams and we have 8 currently signed up.
The weather is turning warmer. However, the outdoor tracks will be too wet to use early in the week. We will have to see if we get the rain that is forecast for Wednesday before we can say if they will be dry enough to use later in the week and this weekend.
This week’s schedule:
Monday - 4-10 pm - Indoor offroad practice, carpet oval practice
Tuesday - 4-10 pm - Indoor offroad practice, Carpet Oval Series @7
Wednesday - 4-10 pm - Indoor Offroad racing @ 7; carpet oval practice
Thursday - 4 -10 pm - Indoor offroad practice & carpet onroad practice
Friday - 4 - 10 pm - Indoor offroad & carpet onroad practice
Saturday - 11 am - 8 pm - Indoor Offroad racing @ 2; carpet onroad practice
Sunday - 10:30 am - 6:00 pm - Euro Truck Enduro & NASCAR 50, see event for schedule; no regular onroad program; offroad practice.