SCHEDULE UPDATE FOR THE WEEK of December 25th, 2023
We hope everyone enjoyed a very Merry Christmas.
It's back to racing on Tuesday for another round of our Tuesday Thunder on the Rug carpet oval series. Wednesday we have offroad club racing and Saturday is our annual race to ring in the new year, this year it is Countdown to 2024. Please note there will be no onroad practice on Saturday, Dec 30th as a result. For the Countdown race we will open at 10 am and racing will begin at noon.
Then we're closed Sunday, New Year's Eve and Monday New Year's Day.
This week's schedule:
Monday - CLOSED
Tuesday - 4-10 pm - Offroad practice, Thunder on the Rug carpet oval racing @ 7
Wednesday - 4-10 pm - Offroad Club Racing @7, carpet oval practice
Thursday - 4-10 pm - Offroad & carpet onroad practice
Friday - 4- 10 pm - Onroad & offroad practice.
Saturday - 10 am - 8 pm - Countdown to 2024 offroad trophy race. Doors open at 10, racing at noon. No onroad practice.
Sunday - 10:30 - 6 pm - CLOSED