Hoping for good weather this week...
Tuesday we try again to hold Round 3 of the Spring Tuesday Thunder Dirt Oval series. Wednesday night we hold indoor offroad club racing. Saturday we try again to run the 1st Round of our Tekno Outdoor Summer Offroad Series. Then we wrap up the week with onroad racing on the rug on Sunday.
With outdoor racing scheduled twice this week we will be watching the skies and the forecast carefully. We will post updates on track conditions on the day of these events.
If you're heading out to use the outdoor tracks for practice, it's always a good idea to call ahead to be certain Mother Nature hasn't ruined practice plans.
HEADS UP for next week. We will be closed Monday, Memorial Day, May 27th.
This week's schedule:
Monday - 4-10 pm - Practice all tracks- dirt oval closed for prep
Tuesday - 4-10 pm - Tuesday Thunder Dirt Oval Points race, offroad & onroad practice
Wednesday - 4-10 pm - Indoor Offroad Club Racing, Outdoor offroad & indoor onroad practice
Thursday - 4-10 pm - Practice - all tracks
Friday - 4- 10 pm - Practice - all tracks
Saturday - 11 am - 11 pm - Tekno Summer Outdoor Offroad Series RD1. Doors open @11, racing @ 2. Indoor practice.
Sunday - 10:30 am - 6 pm - Carpet Onroad Racing @ 1. Practice on all other tracks.